
Harriette Sjödahl


Today is Harriette Sjödahl’s birthday! We at Lange Publisher want to wish you an amazing day and hope the day is filled with things you love and with people you love. We love you.

Harriette is born and raised in Skövde, now lives in Stockholm, and was previously rewarded the Västra Götaland region’s literature prize, takes the reader with her into the sparkling nights of the Sahara, the Roman amphitheater in El Djem, Las Palmas rough quarters and the winding souk in Marrakech …  Vägen till El Faouar.

She is also a co-writer of the short story anthology Write Together 2020, with her short story, Sällsamheter vid ån.

In our books store both books are available and you can now pay with your own country’s currency.

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